Jackson Chadwick

Solar Advisor


Jackson (he/him) joined ReVision in May 2023 as a Solar Advisor at our Montville branch. He graduated from Suffolk University in 2022 with a B.A. in Political Science & Legal Studies and an Environmental Studies minor. During his last two years at Suffolk, Jackson served as the Editor-in-Chief of The Suffolk Voice, the university's independent online news publication.  

Having grown up in Maine, he enjoys many of the state's outdoor activities, including hiking, swimming, and is trying to become more of a runner. When not outside, Jackson is often reading, writing, playing video games, and exploring new music. He's also learning how to care to plants and is (so far) successfully raising Monstera, Aloe, Jade, Calathea Misto, and a Christmas Cactus!

As a Solar Advisor, Jackson works with our customers to explore their interest in our products and educates them on the many benefits those products provide.  

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